Get ready to fill up your August calendar with a bunch of cool cultural events (despite the summer heat). In August 2024, there will be all kinds of activities celebrating sporting achievements, advocacy, and community.

Key dates for your August 2024 calendar

📅 National Black Business Month (US) | starts 1 August 2024

👉 August is National Black Business Month, and supporting Black-owned businesses is more important than ever. Did you know that Black business ownership is up by almost 30% on pre-pandemic levels, with Black women starting businesses at a higher rate than any other group?

📅 World Breastfeeding Week | starts 1 August 2024

👉 This week, championed by the World Health Organisation, highlights some of the broader issues facing parents everywhere: more than half a billion working women are denied essential maternity protections in national laws. Just 20% of countries require employers to provide employees with paid breaks and facilities for breastfeeding or expressing milk. 

📅 Cycle To Work Day 2024 | 8 August 2024

👉 Take part in the UK’s biggest cycle commuting event.: Cycle to Work Day is for absolutely everyone. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cycled in years or have never cycled. This is just about giving it a go — for physical health, mental well-being, and a cheeky discount on travel costs.

📅 Summer Olympic Games Closing Ceremony | 11 August 2024

👉 Today marks the end of an exhilarating two-and-a-half weeks of sport—we can’t wait to find out the final gold medal tally and witness the incredible feats. 

📅 International Youth Day | 12 August 2024

👉 Celebrating the impact of young people everywhere in creating a brighter, more sustainable future. Half of the people on our planet are 30 or younger, which is expected to reach 57% by the end of 2030. Explore more from the UN’s official site. 

📅 Paralympic Games opening ceremony | August 28 2024

👉 As one competition ends, another begins. The first-ever French Paralympic Games will open on August 28 for 11 days of competition with an open-air ceremony between the Champs-Élysées and Place de la Concorde.

📅 Paralympic Games closing ceremony | September 8, 2024
👉 Annnnnd that's a wrap for Paris 2024! The Paralympic Games will close, ending Paris’ summer of sports. If you're already planning the next year, check out our list of sporting events in 2025.

Of course, this is just a selection of dates! If we've missed any days or events that are key for your HR, Culture or People team, be sure to let us know on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Explore The Rest of 2024

Key cultural calendar dates, weeks and observances for the rest of 2024:

💡 Would you like to mark any of these events with an expert speaker? Let us know, and we’ll find the perfect PepTalk expert for your organisation. Email us at or send us a message via chat. You can also call PepTalk on +44 (0)2038352929. Remember, it’s never too early (or too late) to get a PepTalk!

Culture Calendar

Success favours the prepared. That’s why we’ve compiled a free calendar of awareness days and weeks to support your business.

From health and wellbeing to culture and DEI, adding the calendar will keep you on the pulse of what’s happening and ahead of the game. Plus, it works across all platforms.

Culture Calendar