Five minutes with Josie Kent
Josie has been working with PepTalk for four years, experiencing many different roles and evolutions of our products. She's worked with 90% of our experts and is a content and engagement expert herself!
Who's the best keynote speaker you've had the privilege of listening to and why?
I was totally captivated listening to former combat helicopter pilot and Squadron Leader Sarah Furness speak for PepTalk OnDemand. Her storytelling is just off the charts! The way she is able to translate each story into a lesson anyone can use in their every day makes her talks so engaging and, most importantly for me, memorable.
Similarly, which expert would you like to have a talk from?
It has to be Elizabeth Day. How to fail is such a brilliant topic and so relevant right now with it being very easy to compare yourself to everyone you see on social media. It’s a great one too for if you feel like you’re always holding yourself back in fear of making a mistake. If you don’t know Elizabeth’s seven failure principles, get to know. them.
What's your favourite PepTalk OnDemand watch?
This is definitely a tricky one! I’ve been lucky to work with so many of the incredible experts we’ve had on the on-demand, but I'd have to say Roxie Nafousi’s ‘Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life’. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a sceptic at first but I’m a bit of a Roxie mega fan now, I actually went to see her speak live recently! The session is still one of our most popular in the whole PepTalk OnDemand library, and I can see why.
What are you currently reading or listening to?
I’ve got a reading list as long as my arm for my Masters, but the current read is ‘Change Leadership in the 21st Century’. When I’m not studying or PepTalking, though, you’ll probably catch me listening to a podcast. If you haven't listened to it already, I highly recommend Grace Beverley’s Working Hard, Hardly Working.
In which area(s) do you want to upskill in for 2024?
Storytelling is sometimes underrated, but I'd love to develop it both personally and professionally. Perhaps I need a PepTalk from Sarah Furness!
Finally, what are your plans for the rest of the year?
I'm throwing myself into my Master's! It’s been fascinating already learning the theory while seeing it happen in the real world at PepTalk. Oh, and seeing Taylor Swift in June✨🪩🎤
💡Thanks Josie! To our readers, if you're curious how a PepTalk Live session with an expert speaker can help your business, email us at to set up a free strategy call.