Are you tired, confused, or even a bit anxious about all the talk surrounding artificial intelligence (AI)? You're not alone. That's why we've invited Sharon Gai, an expert in AI and Culture Fluidity, to break down the myths and offer some clarity.

Join us on Linkedin, November 2nd at 13:00 GMT for this exclusive PepTalk Live.

What to expect

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming nearly every field of human endeavour and is embedded in more and more aspects of everyday life, businesses and society. In this"lunch and learn style" session, PepTalk expert Sharon Gai will be focusingon demystifying AI for professionals in HR, Learning and Development, and management roles. She'll provide insights into what the future holds in terms of skills and technology, with the goal to empower you to navigate the evolving landscape with confidence.

Sharon will conclude the session with a brief Q&A. If you have any pressing questions about AI that are keeping you awake at night, this is your chance to get some answers.

When and Where

The session is scheduled for November 2nd, 2023, at 13:00 GMT. It will be hosted on LinkedIn, making it easy for you to invite your entire team. RSVP here to secure your spot and gain access to the on-demand replay.

Don't miss this opportunity to cut through the AI noise and equip yourself for the future. Mark your calendars and RSVP today.

Are you curious how a PepTalk Live session can help your business? If you're facing challenges in your business and need a fresh perspective on your Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning challenge, drop us an email to set up a free strategy call. Email us at or send us a message via the chat. You can also call us on +44 (0)2038352929.

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