Every year, on the second Tuesday of October, is Ada Lovelace Day. It's an informally recognised international day celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM).

What is Ada Lovelace Day?

Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) celebrates women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls to pursue STEM careers and support women already working in STEM.

EXPLORE: The top women in tech speakers

Who was Ada Lovelace?

Born in 1815, Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer who is most famous for her collaboration with mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage on his early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her approach of "poetical science" inspired her to inquire about the Analytical Engine (as evident in her notes), exploring the interaction between individuals and society with technology as a collaborative tool.

In 1843, Lovelace released a computer program to calculate Bernoulli Numbers, now considered the first of its kind. Although Babbage had previously created partial programs, Lovelace's program was the most comprehensive and intricate and was the first to be published.

Lovelace was the first person to envision the engine's potential for creativity. She articulated how it could go beyond basic number calculations and produce music and art with the appropriate programming and inputs. Her foresight into the possibilities of computing surpassed that of her contemporaries and went unnoticed for a hundred years.

How long has Ada Lovelace Day been observed?

Established in 2009, the event is now conducted every year on the second Tuesday of October. Aside from the day, Ada Lovelace has been commemorated in various ways, reflecting her influence as a pioneer in mathematics and computing:

  • Several buildings are named after her, including the Ada Lovelace Building at the University of Bristol, the Ada Byron Building at Zaragoza University, and the Ada Lovelace House in Nottinghamshire.
  • Google Doodles honoured her in 2012 and 2017, and a Google blog post celebrated her birthday.
  • In 2013, Ada Developers Academy was founded to help diversify the tech industry.
  • A BBC Radio 4 episode on "Great Lives" featured her in 2013.
  • British passports since 2015 include an illustration of Lovelace and Charles Babbage.
  • In 2018, Satellogic named a micro-satellite after her, and the U.S. Senate designated 9 October as National Ada Lovelace Day.
  • Trinity College Dublin commissioned a bust of her in 2020, and in 2022, a statue of her was unveiled in Westminster, London.
  • Nvidia named a GPU microarchitecture after her in 2022.
  • In 2023, the UK’s Royal Mint issued commemorative coins in her honour.

Upcoming Ada Lovelace Day Dates

  • 2024: Tuesday, October 8, 2024
  • 2025: Tuesday, October 14, 2025
  • 2026: Tuesday, October 13, 2026
  • 2027: Tuesday, October 12, 2027
  • 2028: Tuesday, October 10, 2028

Top Ada Lovelace Day Speakers

How can businesses and schools mark Ada Lovelace Day? Businesses and schools alike celebrate with keynote speakers, from scientists to STEM speakers, AI innovators, ethical hackers, astronaut speakers and more.

Hannah Fry

Hannah Fry is a brilliant mathematician and science communicator whose work explores the intricate patterns of human behaviour in everything from urban crime to transportation. She engages audiences with a unique ability to simplify complex data, making her a standout speaker for any STEM or Ada Lovelace Day event. Hannah's extensive experience in TV, radio, and public speaking adds a dynamic edge to her presentations, where she covers the intersection of mathematics, technology, and society.

PepTalk Fact: Hannah’s documentary Contagion: The BBC Pandemic predicted the UK’s response to a global pandemic two years before COVID-19 🔮

⮕ Learn more and book Professor Hannah Fry as a speaker.

Nina Schick

Nina Schick is a leading voice on the future of AI, offering insights that shape conversations around technology, business, and geopolitics. Her ability to forecast technological trends long before they hit mainstream makes her an ideal speaker for STEM events. Nina’s expertise bridges the gap between emerging AI developments and their real-world impact, providing actionable insights that inspire thoughtful discourse on the role of technology in society.

PepTalk Fact: Nina speaks seven languages and has advised global leaders like Joe Biden 🌍

⮕ Learn more and book Nina Schick as a speaker.

Julia Shaw

Julia Shaw brings a fresh perspective to criminal psychology and memory science, making her a compelling speaker for any STEM or Ada Lovelace Day audience. With her focus on how human memory works and its implications in fields like law and social justice, Julia provides thought-provoking content. Her engaging presentations blend academic research with real-world applications, making complex psychological topics accessible to all.

PepTalk Fact: Julia is the founder of Spot, an AI-driven platform designed to tackle workplace harassment and discrimination 🤖

⮕ Learn more and book Julia Shaw as a speaker.

Nancy Vermeulen

Nancy Vermeulen is an astronaut instructor and space pioneer who brings the wonders of the universe to business and leadership. She seamlessly connects her background in astronomy and aviation with leadership, teamwork, and critical thinking in high-pressure environments. Nancy’s talks inspire future STEM leaders by showcasing how space exploration can offer unique insights into solving everyday challenges.

PepTalk Fact: Nancy founded the Space Training Academy to help prepare future space travellers 🚀

⮕ Learn more and book Nancy Vermeulen as a speaker.

Keren Elazari

Keren Elazari is a celebrated cyber security expert who blends cutting-edge technology with human insight, making her an essential speaker for STEM and tech-focused events. With a career spanning 25 years, Keren’s deep knowledge of cyber security trends and ethical hacking has earned her global recognition. Her TED Talk on hacking is one of the most-watched talks on cyber security, providing valuable insights into the evolving digital landscape.

PepTalk Fact: Keren’s TED Talk has been viewed millions of times and translated into 30 languages 💻

⮕ Learn more and book Keren Elazari as a speaker.

Ghislaine Boddington

Ghislaine Boddington is a leading expert on digital identity and the fusion of physical and virtual interaction. Her work pushes the boundaries of what it means to live in a hybrid world, making her a perfect speaker for events focused on technology’s societal impact. Ghislaine brings a wealth of experience from creative industries and digital futures, offering inspiring insights into the intersection of people and technology.

PepTalk Fact: Ghislaine has delivered keynote speeches in over 35 countries, sparking global conversations about the future of digital identity 🌐

⮕ Learn more and book Ghislaine Boddington as a speaker.

Maggie Aderin-Pocock

Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock is a trailblazing space scientist whose work in STEM education and public engagement has inspired countless people. Known for her work on BBC’s The Sky at Night, Maggie’s passion for space science and her ability to communicate complex topics in an accessible way make her an exceptional speaker. She has a unique ability to inspire audiences to reach for the stars, both figuratively and literally.

PepTalk Fact: Maggie was honoured with a Barbie doll by Mattel in 2023 for her contributions to STEM 🎨

⮕ Learn more and book Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock as a speaker.

💡 Would you like to mark Ada Lovelace Day or celebrate women in STEM with an expert speaker? Let us know, and we’ll find the perfect PepTalk expert for your organisation. Email us at hello@getapeptalk.com or send us a message via the chat. You can also call us on +44 20 3835 2929 (UK) or +1 737 888 5112 (US). Remember, it’s always a good time to get a PepTalk!

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