Jo Fuller

Speaker, Leadership Coach, And Menopause And Menstruality Expert
Navigate the complexities of Menopause and empower women to embrace their journey with Jo Fuller, speaker and founder of The Merry Menopause online community.
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Jo Fuller | PepTalk Expert Speaker
Jo Fuller | PepTalk Expert Speaker
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Jo Fuller | Speaker Biography

Founder of The Merry Menopause online community
ICF Leadership Coach and Menopause and Menstruality Expert
On a mission is to change the social stigma surrounding the Menopause and the Menstrual Cycle

Jo Fuller is the founder of The Merry Menopause online community, a Menopause and Menstruality Educator, and an accredited coach. Her mission is to change the negative narrative and stigma surrounding Menopause and the menstrual cycle. She aims to raise awareness of women's mental and physical health issues and encourage women to understand and manage their hormonal changes.

Jo's personal experience with perimenopause in her mid-40s highlighted her lack of knowledge about this significant life transition. While she was aware of common physical symptoms like hot flushes and weight gain, the mental and cognitive effects took her by surprise. She discovered that her anxiety was linked to hormonal fluctuations. By discussing her feelings openly, she has been able to manage her symptoms and adapt to the changes.

Through her work, Jo seeks to open the conversation about Menopause, helping younger women who will face similar challenges. She notes that previous generations, including her mother’s, often suffered in silence due to a lack of information and societal stigma. Jo believes that by embracing and normalising perimenopause and menopause, women can create a more positive experience for themselves and future generations. 

Jo also addresses the critical issues of an ageing workforce and workplace ageism, advocating for a work culture that values the experience and contributions of older employees. Jo is passionate about breaking down the stigma surrounding menstruality and menopause, advocating for a work culture where these natural processes are recognised as strengths rather than limitations.

She invites others to join her in building a supportive community that empowers women to harness their hormonal health. Jo encourages everyone to be prepared for these changes, reminding them that they are never alone in this journey.

Why Should You Book Jo Fuller?

Book Jo Fuller to empower your team with essential knowledge about Menopause and women's health. Jo encourages all ages and genders to attend her events and her engaging approach dismantles stigma and fosters open dialogue. Transform your workplace culture, and support your employees to embrace hormonal changes positively so they feel valued and supported through every stage of their hormonal life journey.

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