Steph Peltier is an expert in the field of happiness, dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their lives and develop the internal resources necessary to create a fulfilling and joyful existence that positively impacts those around them. Regardless of our circumstances, happiness, resilience, optimism, and confidence are all skills that can be learned, cultivated, and expanded upon. Plus, these qualities are highly contagious.
After a diverse career in the financial services and media industry, Steph's journey led her to enrol in the Science of Happiness course at UC Berkeley, sparking a new adventure in her life. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, she continuously adds new tools to her repertoire, including mindfulness, stress management, resilience, performance coaching, and positive neuroplasticity training.
Steph's approach is rooted in compassion. Having personally experienced burnout and depression in the past, she possesses a unique ability to infuse hope, energy, and empowerment into the lives of others.
Steph offers your team the transformative opportunity to learn vital happiness skills, enhancing resilience, optimism, and confidence. Her unique blend of compassion, real-life experience, and evidence-based strategies will empower your business, fostering a contagious culture of well-being and peak performance.